PhD's Course

Ming Hong
▷ Dept. Energy & Chem. Eng. Incheon Nat'l Univ. (PhD., candidate 2021. 9~ )
▷ Dept. Energy & Power Eng. Inner Mongolia University of Technology.(MS, 2017. 9~2020. 6)
▷ Dept. Mechanical & Electrical Eng. Heilongjiang Institute of Technology.(BS, 2013. 9~2017. 6)
▷ Research Area
Hong is studying the enhancement in the gas sensor through the blending of microporous materials with P3HT.
▷ E-mail: 276102986@qq.com
▷ +82-10-7275-1666
Master's Course

Inhwa Ko(고인화)
▷ Dept. Energy and chemical engineering. Incheon Nat'l Univ. (MS, 2023.3~)
▷ Dept. Energy Engineering. Dankook Univ. (BS, 2018.3 ~ 2022.2)
▷ Research Area
Ko is researching to improve the responsivity of gas sensor based on P3HT film by controlling molecular weight.
▷ E-mail: inhwa99@inu.ac.kr
▷ +82-10-8549-9490

Nahyeon Gu (구나현)
▷ Dept. Energy and Chemical Engineering. Incheon Nat'l Univ. (BS, 2018. 3~)
▷ Research Area
Gu is researching to enhance the performance of gas sensor based on P3HT film by modifying the surface of film with UV-O₃.
▷ +82-10-6531-0775
Undergraduate Student

SeongJin Kim (김성진)
▷ Dept. Energy and Chemical Engineering. Incheon Nat'l Univ. (BS, 2019. 3~)
▷ Research Area
Kim is researching to improve into an eco-friendly thin film gas sensor by blending biodegradable polymer and P3HT.
▷ +82-10-7472-0478

Jeonseung Hyeon (전승현)
▷ Dept. Energy and Chemical Engineering. Incheon Nat'l Univ. (BS, 2019. 3~)
▷ Research Area
Jeon is researching how the performance of the P3HT thin film gas sensor changes depending on the channel length.
▷ +82-10-9120-0318