Yeong Don Park
Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering
Incheon National University
E-mail: ydpark@inu.ac.kr
Tel: +82-32-835-8679
▪ Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs)
- Controlling molecular ordering of conductive polymer
- Evaluation of the Contact Resistance at metal/organic interfaces
- Energy band controls between organic semiconductor layer and electrode
- Electronic device fabrication and characterization
- Various surface modification methods
▪ Organic photovoltaics (OPVs)
- Control of structural order of narrow bandgap conjugated polymers
- Energy level alignment of Metal/Conjugated Polymer Interfaces
- Electronic device fabrication and characterization
▪ Study on selective crystallization and self-organization of soluble semiconductor
- Solubility controlled molecular ordering and various post treatment methods
- Observation of crystal nucleation and growth processes
- Wettability control of interface and surface
▪ Analysis of thin films structure
- Crystal assignment of organic semiconductor
- Investigation of molecular packing structure and rearrangement behavior
- Electronic structure at metal/semiconductor interfaces using UPS
Sep. 2020 – Present ▪ Professor
Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering
Incheon National University
Incheon 406-772, South Korea
Sep. 2015 – Aug. 2020 ▪ Associate Professor
Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering
Incheon National University
Incheon 406-772, South Korea
Sep. 2011 – Aug. 2015 ▪ Assistant Professor
Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering
Incheon National University
Incheon 406-772, South Korea
Nov. 2010 – Aug. 2011 ▪ Research Professor
Advisor: Prof. Kilwon Cho
Department of Chemical Engineering
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Sep. 2009 – Dec. 2010 ▪ Postdoctoral Researcher
Advisor: Prof. Guillermo C. Bazan
Department of Materials Science, chemistry and biochemistry
Center for Polymers and Organic Solids
University of California, Santa Barbara
Aug. 2008 – Aug. 2009 ▪ Postdoctoral Researcher
Advisor: Prof. Kilwon Cho
Department of Chemical Engineering
Pohang University of Science and Technology
March 2005 – Aug. 2008 ▪ Ph.D.
Advisor: Prof. Kilwon Cho
Department of Chemical Engineering
Pohang University of Science and Technology
March 2003 – Feb. 2005 ▪ M. S.
Advisor: Prof. Kilwon Cho
Department of Chemical Engineering
Pohang University of Science and Technology
March 1996 – Feb. 2003 ▪ B. Sc.
Cum laude in Department of Chemical Engineering
Sogang University