2020 - 1
Artur Tron, Yeong Don Park*, Junyoung Mun**
Solid State Sci. (2020) 101, 106152.
Influence of Organic Additive on the Electrochemical Performance of LiFePO4 Cathode in an Aqueous Electrolyte Solution
2020 - 2
Jeong Ik Lee, Yeong Don Park*
Mater. Chem. Phys. (2020) 247, 122878.
Improving Molecular Structure in Polythiophene Thin Films by Solvent Dipping Post-Treatment
2020 - 3
Eun Hye Kwon, Gun Woo Kim, Min Kim*, Yeong Don Park*
ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. (2020) 2, 2980.
Effect of Alcohol Polarity on the Aggregation and Film-Forming Behaviors of Poly (3-hexylthiophene)
2020 - 4
So Young Park, Eun Hye Kwon, Yeong Don Park*
RSC adv. (2020) 10, 34130.
Effect of Localized UV Irradiation on the Crystallinity and Electrical Properties of Dip-Coated Polythiophene Thin Films
2020 - 5
Artur Tron, Meihua Hong, Yeong Don Park, Jiyong Kim*, Junyoung Mun*
ChemistrySelect (2020) 5, 14596.
ENi-Rich Layered Cathode Materials by a Mechanochemical Method for High-Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries